The carrot is a 'horny' vegetable.
Oh! c'mon get your mind out of the gutter! This root vegetable gets its roots from the Indoeuropean "ker"- meaning horn.This humble tuber is packed with vitamin A and could very well be the reason for those bright eyes and a variety of others like a healthy heart. Oh, and by the way this is the debut for my very first piece of food art meaning of course the palm tree! ha! ha! Okay so I am not a master carver but at least it should make you smile.
This juice is so refreshing: It has pure carrot juice, lots of fresh clementine juice or you could use oranges, splash of pineapple juice and top it off with a healthy splash of Martinelli's sparkling apple cider. The salad was one of my Mom's favorite salads. It makes my mouth pucker. It has grated carrots, chopped green bell pepper, small jalapeno chopped, chopped pineapple( my addition), garbanzo beans and fresh lemon juice and kosher salt to taste.
I am really sensitive to the acidity in the pineapple so I sprinkle with salt first and then rinse the salt off and then I sprinkle with sugar and then rinse.

The palm tree is actually for my niece R who is a little girl in this picture above and just can't seem to live without them. I guess she likes the type of climate that goes with it. Ahhh, the sun, surf and those palms sure spell lots of "kick a.... parties!
Carrot juice makes me think of my other tropical, palm tree lined home..Miami.. and the Last Carrot, of course. Nice carving on that tree by the way!
Who is that little person in the garden?
That is you LOL!!!!
oooh. this looks lovely and so good for you! i do love carrots. i apologise for only looking into your email today but i'm so glad you're participating in the challenge. it looks great.
i'll be sure to put you in the round up on 3 June 08. Stay tuned!
Great entry! That juice sounds absolutely refreshing!
wow! a beautful work of art, Nazarina. i'm always mesmerized by ur creativity. the salad and juice is one healthy combo.
Wow, everything there looks so good. I'm a huge fan of carrots!
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