I have been busy with Valentine's Day soap baskets and also a few baby showers ( all these moms- to- be are going to have boys!!! I had to work really hard during these past two weeks so that I could go skiing on the weekends! Let me tell you, I have been making soap in my sleep! These soaps have Goats milk, olive oil, shea and cocoa butters and essential oils.
A Recollection
I still remember the day, I wanted to attempt the art of saponification( soap making). I had the audacity to think that it was not that hard to do. Boy! was I mistaken! It can in fact be very laborious and dangerous if you do not know what you are doing. I, for one, do not like to resort to an absurd hyperbole and discourage people from trying, by saying that it is so difficult, it will break your entrepreneurial spirit. All I am trying to convey here is that when you follow certain precautions, have a " mise en plus" work ethic and little bit of inspiration and patience, will your anticipated results turn out half way decent and not like crap! Hey, even if the result turns out to be a piece of crap, you will get over it and start afresh!
I would like to think that I am actually a soap diva ha! ha! especially since I spend so many hours making them. Let me tell you when I want "to turn down the volume and tune out annoyances," I turn to this satisfying hobby. It keeps me sane!
A message for my South African and Dutch friends:
Ek kan nog altyd onthou die dag toe ek wou leer hoe om seep te maak. Die vraag was hoe swaar was dit werklik? Wel, ek het my lekker misgis want verseping was nogal nie so maklik nie! Ek will ook nie oordryf en se dat dit te swaar is om te leer nie. Wees verseker my doel is nie om u te ontmoedig nie "Probeer is nogmals die beste geweer."
Voorsorg maatreels moet toegepas word en met geduld en n' bietjie inspirasie kan jy hierdie kuns vermeester en leer liefkry. Wees ook gereerd vir uitslagte wat sal misluk!
Verseping is n' stokperdjie wat ek terdee geniet en dit is ook n' wyse van inkomste vir my!
If you are looking for love, then two Cupids are
better than just one! Hope you have a swell
Valentine's day!
A Chanel#5 type of fragrance!

If Cupid can't do the job, then maybe these cupcakes will set that amorous tone!
Chocolate and mulberry fragrance ( cupcake swirl)
Click on this picture!

This "ball and claw tub" served the purpose of my
Valentine's gift baskets. A zero calorie cupcake while
soaking in the tub! What more does a girl want?
Seduction in the making!!! Work it girl! .........and boys?

Here I used a leather tool to "write" on the
soap. Click on the picture to see the words
more clearly.

One of my customers' wanted this pina colada fragrance
pineapple soap in the basket. Who am I to question?
Ask and you shall receive! I kinda dig this pina colada

"Its a boy" Yay!!!!!Soaps for the baby
Chocolate and vanilla fragrance ( cupcake swirl)

Banana and pineapple fragrance ( Finally a bug that I like!)

Platypus and duckies( baby powder fragrance)
Click on the picture !

Click here for older baby soaps
Please enjoy!
Nazarina A.
I love the cupcake soaps! They're soooo cute... The only problem with cute soap is that I never want to actually use them.
Oh my gosh.. I would just love to have those cupcakes.. do you sell them? They are so adorable.... You are so talented!!!
*Gasp!* They are all beautiful, but I am especially in love with the duckies!
Hi nazarina
its so refreshing..the colours are so subtle and inspiring...your gifts are amazingingly done and have enticing visual imapact..i loved your soaps, dear.
Those soaps are adorable! I especially love the cupcakes.
I love the see through soaps. How cool is that? I don't see many see through soaps around.
I always look forward to your newest soap creations as we get to look over the photos.
Marvelous, exotic, superb, terrific, fantastic......list goes on.....
Nazarina, these are beautiful! I love the cupcake ones and the duckies. Oh sweetie, you are so talented. I'm going out of town for a week, but when I get back, I will probably want to order a couple of more soaps from you. Big hugs to you from me.
Hey GG how have you been? Still creating beautiful wonders for us to admire, I see! Of course, the "soapcakes" are my favorites - so lovely and calorie-free!
wow what nice giffts. you re surely talented in saponification :) I fell in love with those cupcakes so cute!
Hi Nazarine,
What a stunning collection of soaps, they are all so beautifully made! I'm impressed with the detail and colors of your soaps.
Hey what do you recommend for your face, I'm using Dove cucumber and aloe now? But it still seems to dry my face, especially in the Winter I'm so dry!
Your platypus and duckie soaps are adorable. You certainly have a great talent there, seems like one you enjoy and it shows in your finished product and workmanship.
I can certainly see why your soaps are in high demand, I've never seen soaps made quite like you make them! Hugs, Jo:)
those cupcake soaps look good enough to eat!
Every last one of them are awesome, so cool. I would love to have some of the cute little cupcakes.
Awww those cupcake soaps are the cutest! I don't know if I could bring myself to use one -I think I'd just display it :)
OMG Naz, I can eat them all, beautiful soaps indeed. You are s o talented.
How creative you are, Nazarina! I was waiting to see your post about Valentine's day ;)
You have so many pretty soaps. I wish I could try one at home!!!
Everything looks so pretty! I particularly love the cupcake- and duck-shaped soaps!
I love the soaps! The are so cute. How long have you been making soaps and do you sell them?
these look sooo cute ... they do make wonderful gifts
Your soaps are works of art, Nazarina, and they do look good enough to eat! I like the idea of "zero calories" Valentine's Day gifts.
You are one creative lady! :-)
Oh your blog is lovely
the photos show how perfectly you make your things-soaps and food(:)
I luckily found you at Rochelles.. ..will be back ..
hugs, Patty
WOW!!! you are truly gifted and creative one... they are amazing!!! :)
The are all so beautiful!! You must really have patience to do this, you must have the best smelling bathrooms around!
Aw I love it! I swear I can smell how good those soaps are through the computer.
Now I'm all excited for Valentines Day :)
I'm in a state of mind where I'm all over any cupcake that's zero calories! they're cute too!
These are just so incredible!!
Nazarina...tht cupid of urs struck my heart..n my hubs! ;p
u are very talented.
You are so talented! I love the cupcake soaps...they look good enough to eat!
OHHHH my goodness - those are SUCH adorable soaps!
i'd never be able to use them on myself.. maybe on a baby where i can wash him and then play with the soap. hahahhaha
thank you for visiting :) may i add your beautiful blog to my blogroll?
Aww I love the cupcake soaps. They look so real and delicious! :)
Oh how dainty and enticing those little cup cakes are..
Thanks for dropping by my blog just now..
Keep in touch and wish you a Happy valentine!!
So cute! and the best part.. zero calorie!!! Hahaha...
You are one heck of a talented lady! I adore all your soaps.If you are selling them, you will be a millionaire in no time.
And your blog is soooooo interesting too. Thank you for visiting mine and leaving a comment. You have me as a follower now.
Omg i love the cupcake ones!!
my comment disappeared soI am retyping - thanks for stopping by and i love your talent.I've always wanted to make my own soaps but it all looks too complicated. how about doing a soap making for dummies tutorial, something simple anyone(read me :)) can do at home.
love your profile write up, glad i chanced here.
Very impressive soaps. You are so talented!
Forget diva, you are a soap GODDESS!! Those are so gorgeous. Bravo for your persistence and skill!
holy cow! those sure look good enough to eat! I just love those cupcakes...are they scented too?
wow, they look adorable. would like have some of them.
P.S. Hey N - linked this today!!
These are so beautiful!!
OMG, they are absolutely Gorgeous! Good enough to Eat!
You should sell them! Have you ever been to Lemming central? www.lemmingcentral.com They are an entire community of 'home made' products & small e-tailers.
I am speechless...They are more than pretty..:)
All my good wishes to you..Any chances for us mere mortals to get hold of 'em..;)..Do you sell the mout dear??
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